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Health Guidance

When to keep your child at home:

To help prevent the spread of illness, we ask that you keep your child at home when they:

  • Have a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher
  • Are vomiting
  • Have diarrhea(three or more episodes in 24 hours)
  • Have a contagious rash or open and draining sores that cannot be covered
  • Have a sore throat with a fever
  • Have an uncontrollable, persistent cough
  • Have symptoms or pain that prevent them from participating in school

 When to send your child back to school:

Here are a few guidelines to help you determine when it’s time to send your child back to school after an illness. These guidelines may not apply to all circumstances. Your school nurse will provide additional guidance.

  • Your child is fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
  • If your child has been prescribed antibiotics: in many cases, your child needs to be on the antibiotic for at least 12- 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Your child has not experienced vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.
  • Your child’s cough is infrequent and non-productive.
  • Your child’s runny nose can be controlled with occasional wiping.

Communicable Illness:

Please notify the school nurse if your child is diagnosed with a communicable illness such as strep throat, flu, COVID 19, or other communicable illnesses.

Meningococcal and Flu Vaccine Information:

Lake County Influenza

CDC Flu Guidance

IDPH Meningococcal Information

CDC Meningococcal Vaccine Information

PE Exemption:

Students who require an exemption from PE class due to illness or injury must present a signed note from a licensed healthcare provider (physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician’s assistant). Students will be able to return to PE upon a written release from the healthcare provider.