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Food Allergy Management Plan

In accordance with Bannockburn School policy, the purpose of this protocol is to outline actions to promote a safe school environment for students with food allergies. All district families are asked to teach their children not to share any foods at school, to respectfully accept differences and limitations among their classmates, and to encourage good hand-washing practices as a method of limiting the spread of allergens. You can learn more about food allergies and management from this national website: Food Allergy Research and Education –

Bannockburn School Food Allergy Management Protocol

In accordance with Bannockburn School policy, the purpose of this protocol is to outline actions to create and maintain a safe school environment for students with food allergies.

  • Parents of students with food allergies should provide an updated Emergency Action Plan and prescribed emergency medication at the beginning of each school year. Parents will notify supervisors of after school activities regarding their child’s allergy.
  • The school nurse will review and make Emergency Action Plans available to teachers with students with identified food allergies.
  • Lunch and recess monitors will carry walkie-talkies or cell phones to facilitate communication.
  • Teachers will include a list of students with food allergies and school/classroom food allergy guidelines in their substitute plans.
  • Teachers will notify the school nurse during the planning and preparation of field trips.
  • The school nurse will monitor student medication expiration dates and will notify parents when new medication is required.
  • When possible, students will notify an adult if an allergic reaction is suspected.
  • The food allergy protocol will be shared with staff and parents through the school website.
  • Every two years, all district staff will receive staff development training on anaphylactic reactions and management.
  •  Identified teachers and staff will be trained by the school nurse on the prevention, recognition, and response to food allergy reactions, including the use of epinephrine auto-injectors.
  • Students with identified food allergies will be taught by the school nurse about food allergies. Lessons will consider developmental and educational readiness.
  • Food products included in classroom/school parties, celebrations, or lesson plans will be cleared by the school nurse or school administrator.
  • Students will only eat food provided by their parent/guardian, including food service delivered to school, with the exception of food items approved by the school nurse or administrator.
  • Teachers will carry a copy of student Emergency Action Plans and emergency medications on all field trips.
  • Students will be encouraged to clean their hands with provided wet wipes before and after eating.
  • Lunch monitors and custodial staff will clean lunch tables after each lunch period.
  • Epinephrine auto-injectors will be stored in the school nurse’s office in an unlocked, labeled cabinet or other locations at the school nurse’s discretion.
  • The school nurse will obtain undesignated epinephrine when possible.
  • Students may self-carry epinephrine at the discretion of the parent/guardian and prescribing health care provider. Middle school students are encouraged to self-carry epinephrine when deemed appropriate by parents and the health care provider.
  • Emergency Medical Services (911) will be activated and the student will be transported to the emergency room if emergency epinephrine is administered. Parents will be notified immediately, once it is safe to do so, of a food allergy reaction.
  • Food allergy reactions will be documented in the student health record and in a school incident report form.