Student Services at Bannockburn School
Bannockburn School District 106 Preschool Screening
Parents of children ages 3-5 who have questions and/or concerns about their child's development are asked to contact Dr. Adam Mihelbergel, Principal/Director of Student Services at 847-945-5900 ext. 2722 to schedule a screening. We also offer screening for children under 3 years of age who reside in our district so please contact our office if you have concerns about your child in this age range or call Susan Stolzer (El Transition Coordinator) at TrueNorth Education Cooperative 804 at 847-831-5100.
Lastly, parents of preschool aged children and/or children who are being homeschooled or attend private schools should contact Dr. Adam Mihelbergel, Bannockburn School Principal/Director of Special Services at 847-945-5900 ext. 2722.
Special Education
Eligibility for Special Education: In accordance with Article XIV of the Illinois School Code, Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, School District 106 seeks to provide a comprehensive program of special education for those exceptional children who are between the age of three and their graduation from middle school. Children are deemed exceptional according to the following categories as referenced in the 23 Illinois Administrative code:
Specific Learning Disability
Brain Injury
Speech/Language Impairment
Mental Impairment
Emotional Disorder
Visual Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Physical Disability
Other Health Impaired
Developmentally Delayed
In order to receive specialized educational services, the student must be diagnosed as eligible. In District 106, the following procedures are implemented to determine eligibility:
Screening/Referral: District 106 actively seeks out and attempts to identify all exceptional children in the district through its preschool screening, vision and hearing screening, and teacher or other professional referral of those children who exhibit problems which interfere with their educational progress or adjustment to the educational setting. Any parent may also request that a student be considered for specialized educational services. Requests should be made to the child's teacher, or Dr. Adam Mihelbergel, Principal/Director of Student Services at 847-945-5900 ext: 2722.
Evaluation: The evaluation may include an assessment of the child's learning environment, a review of his/her academic history, an interview with the child, a social developmental and health history, a vision and hearing screening, and an assessment of current educational functioning and achievement. Depending on the nature of the child's difficulties, additional components may be recommended. These may include psychological, speech, and language and other specialized evaluations. The evaluation is linguistically, culturally, racially and sexually nondiscriminatory and is appropriate to the nature of the problems which caused the referral.
Evaluation Conference: Following the evaluation, a conference is held to include the parents, evaluators, classroom teacher, administrator, and other relevant personnel. Testing data and other information including the child's classroom behaviors and reviewed, and recommendations as to the best educational program for the child are made. If the student is deemed eligible for special education services, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed at this meeting with long range goals specified for the child. Whenever possible, we try to meet the child's needs in the local school, consistent with the federal mandate of least restrictive environment. Additional programs and services are available through TrueNorth Education Cooperative 804.
Annual Review: Parents and staff review the educational status and continued supportive services of each child at least once a year.
You can also learn more by exploring the information through the links below:
Speech and Language Services
District 106 employs a speech and language pathologist. This professional evaluates, diagnoses, and provides therapy services to improve articulation, receptive language, expressive language, voice, fluency and pragmatics. Services may be provided through Response to Intervention or an Individual Education Plan.
For more information regarding preschool screenings or to schedule a screening, please contact Dr. Adam Mihelbergel, Principal/Director of Student Services at 847-945-5900 ext: 2722.
Universal speech/language screenings are administered in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade. Following these screenings, parents will be notified if there are concerns. At times, developmental speech errors are noted and a re-screening will be completed the following year.
Teachers or parents may also request speech-language screenings. If you are concerned about your child's speech and/or language development, please contact Anne Leahy, Speech and Language Therapist at 847-945-5900 or your child's classroom teacher. A brief screening will be conducted after parent permission is obtained. The parents and classroom teacher will be contacted with the results of the screening. If the screening shows that your child may need speech/language therapy, an evaluation will then be conducted.
English Language Learners
The District 106 ELL program works to assist ELL students to acquire English and grade level academics so that they can succeed in an English-only classroom and in the community.
The program goals are to:
- Help ELL students learn listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the English language.
- Collaborate with teachers to best support students in their classroom setting.
What tests do ELL students take?
In addition to the district assessments taken by all students, ELL students will also take the following:
WIDA ACCESS Screener: This is a test required by the state of Illinois to be given to all students entering a school who have another language spoken in the home to help determine if ELL services are needed.
ACCESS Test (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State): This is a state-mandated English language proficiency test given annually to measure language proficiency levels and a student's progress in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English.