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President: Mary Grzeskowiak 

Vice President: Anna Donato 

Treasurer: Sara Sampra 

Secretary: Allison Bowman



  • Runs monthly BSPO meetings inclusive of voting. 
  • Sets meeting agenda. 
  • Main contact person for issues relating to BSPO and email communication. 
  • Creates and distributes newsletters. 

Vice President: 

  • Runs meetings when the president is not present. 
  • Works closely with the president to oversee the organization. 
  • Oversees the committees and runs a portion of the meeting regarding committee reports. 
  • Organizes and runs yearly board elections, ultimately appoints committee head positions. 


  • Maintains all financial material: checkbook, budget, tax returns, all documentation with state and federal government. 
  • Provides information to the accountant for the completion of taxes. 
  • Provides checks for field trips and hot lunch providers (if necessary due to vendor). 
  • Tracks CDs. 

Recording Secretary: 

  • Records minutes and member attendance at meetings. 
  • Types minutes and sends them to BSPO President to email out to the school community. 

Corresponding Secretary: 

  • Sends correspondence to members, school faculty/staff for matters of congratulations, thanks and condolences. 
  • Records meeting minutes when recording secretary is unavailable. 
  • Communicates with teaching staff regarding correspondence needs.